Monday, December 30, 2019
Dreams of Gilgamesh Essay - 891 Words
Dreams of Gilgamesh When looking into the meanings of dreams, a variation of things can be found. Most people believe that dreams are a reflection of people’s inner thoughts and feelings. Most of these feelings are too private to be expressed in the real world and that is why they are expressed in a fantasy type way through dreams. In Gilgamesh, dreams are used as a form of communication between the Gods and humans. Major events are seen through these dreams and fantasies are foretold. In the ancient Mesopotamian culture, dreams play a major role. Dreams foretold the coming of Enkidu, the death of Enkidu, the protection of Shamhat during the battle with Humbaba, and much more. The fact that dreams play such an important role in†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Humbaba’s cry is the roar of a deluge, His maw is fire, his breath is death, He can hear rustling in the forest for sixty double leagues. Who can go into his forest? Adad is first and Humbaba is secon d. Who, even among the gods, could attack him? In order to safeguard the forest of cedars, Enlil has appointed him to terrify the people, Enlil has destined him seven fearsome glories, Besides, whosoever enters his forest is struck down by disease.†(page 25, tablet II, lines 171-180). This is very significant in that it lets us know the nature of who Humbaba is. It’s clear that Humbaba is quite evil according to this passage. Gilgamesh’s dreams make him supremely confident during his attempts to overcome Humbaba. Gilgamesh believes he can prevail against Humbaba. Due to his focus and heroism, Gilgamesh is capable of slaying a horrifying, evil monster like Humbaba. Dreams are a constant motivation for Gilgamesh, and although at times he feels physically incapable of continuing on his quest for everlasting life, his focus on achieving his goal, drives him past any conceivable ability. The dreams all play the same role in this story. They foreshadow what i s to come, motivation for Gilgamesh, and they assist in the strengthening of the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Most importantly, Gilgamesh makes his journey not for fortune or fame, but purely for spiritual knowledge. Often the purpose of his journey isShow MoreRelatedEpic Of Gilgamesh Myths And Dreams931 Words  | 4 PagesGilgamesh myths and dreams In World Literature Gilgamesh is considered to be a masterpiece. After, doing my research I noticed it had to be one of the oldest epics written, but it appears to be more of a myth or dream. The history of this myth draws concern about culture and religion in Babylonian. The perspective I came to understand and focus was myths and dreams. The aspects involved the inner and outer struggles of problems that are essential to this time period. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Research Report On Science Fair Louis Carter - 806 Words
Research Report For Science Fair Louis Carter Introduction Picture this, a child is at the store and sees a box of nuts and isn’t interested. Later down the aisle he sees a colorful box with his favorite movie character â€Å"Lightning McQueen†and begs his mother to let him buy it. Guess what’s in the box? Mixed Nuts. My question is, â€Å"Does childish packaging encourage children to want that product more compared to another of the same product with duller packaging. The purpose of this project is to not fail my class, of which this is required. In 2002 Peterson and Fjellstrom found that in the United States and other leading world countries that children have gained an increased spending power in the families. This study followed a trend showing marketers began marketing their products toward the children not the parents. It has been said that every adult product from â€Å"soup to soap†has been scaled down and â€Å"funned up†to market to younger children. An increased advertising after school and on saturday morning has been added to market toys and food to children. In a study of nutritional foods and what sells them to children, Feinstein and Lobstein defined a child’s food as any product that includes at least one of the following: a character they see in a familiar cartoon, 1 Louis Carter characters appealing to kids and teens, childish animals (like a dinosaur orShow MoreRelatedHenri Fayol Management Principals Through Experience4718 Words  | 19 Pagesorganization†(Parker Louis, 1995, p.223). As Fayol himself notes, â€Å"There is not one doctrine of administration for industry and another for state enterprises; there is only one doctrine. The general principles and rules that are valuable in industry are equally valuable in the state and vice-versa†(as sited in Breeze, 1995, p.45). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Food Article Summary Response Free Essays
â€Å"Serves Us Right†by Phoebe Damrosch describes the occupation of waiting as overlooked, treated badly, and in need of some change. We pay attention to and adore the rock star chefs, yet we often ignore those who deal with our food most, our waiters. Waiters in America are undertrained and treated poorly. We will write a custom essay sample on Food Article Summary Response or any similar topic only for you Order Now Waiters work unpredictable schedules for unpredictable pay which depends heavily on tipping. They often do not receive work benefits such as health care and paid sick leave(1). As a result the quality of waiting is not great, because it is not a good job to hold, and there is a large turnover of new employees(2). Restaurants can improve the quality of waiting in America if they were to provide training and benefits(2). Damrosch suggests that removing tipping in exchange for a service charge paid by the employers would result in better service. Damrosch states that â€Å"The service charge shifts the focus from the money to the experience†(1). The occupation of waiting in its current state is sub par because the working conditions are sub par; waiter working conditions must be improved before work quality can too. Phoebe Damrosch makes many great points and is correct in her statements about the occupation of waiting and the occupation of waiting needs some changes for the better. Waiters and waitresses have some of the most unpredictable hours and schedules, making it difficult to schedule and lead their lives outside of their occupation. On top of that, they are underpaid; most waiters only make minimum wage and their salary is determined by how much they receive through tipping. Waiting is not a simple occupation either, it takes a lot of work and effort especially when it is busy to try and attend to all their customers. Taking orders, refilling drinks, making sure everything is OK, as well as delivering food from the kitchen requires a lot of multitasking skills and focus. I agree with Damrosch that tipping is instrumental in the failure of good service. With their already low wages, waiters and waitresses rely heavily on tipping, that means getting the customers in and out as fast as possible. This attitude towards working neglects the overall experience of each customer. Damrosch questions whether tipping should be held in practice anymore, and I completely agree. Removing tipping and boosting the base salary of waiters and waitresses would allow them to focus more on doing a good job instead of scrambling around trying to work as fast they can to receive more money from tipping each night. Most waiters and waitresses do not receive health care or other benefits either further adding to the list of negatives. All in all, Damrosch is correct, the occupation of waiting is one that is a lot of work, and hardly worth it. Too many negatives exist to keep people interested in waiting. For those that do practice waiting as their occupation, there is little motivation to do their job well. This job sees a lot of overturn as a result, so training becomes impractical and good service is becoming rare. The existence of tipping shifts the focus from providing quality service to trying to make as much money as possible. Waiting is hard work and improving the conditions of waiting is necessary before any improvement in the quality of work can be expected to be seen. Works Cited Damrosch, Pheobe. â€Å"Serves Us Right†. New York Times September, 19, 2009: 1-2. How to cite Food Article Summary Response, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Quality Associates free essay sample
In this case, we have Quality Associates, Inc. a consulting firm advising its client about sampling and statistical procedures that can be used to control their manufacturing process. Their client has offered samples to be analyzed, so they can quickly learn whether the process is operating satisfactorily or corrective actions needs to be taken. The numbers given in the case were as follows: assumed population standard deviation is equal to . 21, sample size is equal to 30 and the test value of the mean was 12. They also stated the two hypotheses to be tested: the null hypothesis that the population is equal to 12 and the alternative hypothesis that the mean is not equal to 12. This indicates a two tailed tests to determine whether or not to reject the null hypothesis. The 4 provided sample sizes each contained 30 observations, indicating a normal distribution and z test statistics. Methodology The first question required conducting a hypothesis test for each sample at the . We will write a custom essay sample on Quality Associates or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 01 level of significance. Based upon the test, determine if any corrective actions need to be taken. There are two approaches to hypothesis testing, the p-value approach and the critical value approach. The first step for the p-value approach was to calculate the mean for each sample. In order, they were: 11. 9587| 12. 0287| 11. 8890| 12. 0813| Next, was to calculate standard error, by using the formula sigma divided by the square root of n. This came out to be . 0383. To find the z test statistic subtract the test value of 12 from the sample mean and divide by the standard error. The z test statistic for each sample were as follows: -1. 0966| 0. 7493| -2. 8982| 2. 1227| The 1 tail p-value could then be found by using the normsdist function in Excel. This function indicates probability to the left of the value, so positive numbers were subtracted from 1. Since this is a two tailed test, the values were multiplied by two to find the actual p-value. 0. 2728| 0. 4536| 0. 0038| 0. 0338| The rule for the p-value two tail test is to reject Ho if the p-value is smaller than or equal to alpha, the alpha in this case being . 01. At . 038, the p-value for sample 3 was less than the significance level set by the client. Sample 3 provides evidence to reject Ho and accept Ha. However, samples 1, 2 and 4 all have p-values larger than alpha, indicating that the process is working satisfactorily with a mean equal to 12. According to samples 1,2 and 4, corrective measures do not need to be taken. A second approach to hypothesis testing is the critical value approach, which states to reject Ho if the z value is larger than z alpha/2 or smaller than –z alpha/2. Alpha was given at . 1, alpha/2 is equal . 005. Table 8. 1, Values of Z alpha/2 for the most commonly used Z values, in the book states that for alpha/2 equal to . 005, the z value is equal to 2. 576. This is the z critical value for a two tailed test, outside of which lies the rejection area. Again, out of the 4 samples, only one had a critical value in the rejection area. The z value of sample 3, -2. 8982, was smaller than the z critical value of -2. 576. This leads to a rejection of Ho. Samples 1,2, and 4 all fall between the 2 critical values and provide evidence to not reject Ho. Assumption Based on the results of the hypothesis tests, both p-value approach and critical value approach, corrective action should be taken for sample 3. Samples 1,2 and 4 provide evidence that we cannot reject Ho, and therefore the client can assume that the process is operating satisfactorily. The second question asked to compute the standard deviation for each individual sample. Using the stdev function in Excel, the standard deviation for each sample are as follows: 0. 2204| 0. 2204| 0. 2072| 0. 2061| Assumption Based on the standard deviations calculated for each sample, the assumption of . 21 for the population standard deviation appears reasonable. An average of the 4 individual sample standard deviations is equal to . 2135, which can be rounded down to . 21. The third question asked to compute limits for the sample mean equal to 12. Condition was that as long as a new sample mean is within those limits, the process will be considered to be operating satisfactorily. If X exceeds the upper limit or if the X is below the lower limit, corrective actions will be taken. The formula for calculating upper and lower control limits is Using x bar equal to 12, z alpha/2 equal to 2. 576 and the standard error equal to . 0383, the upper limit was equal to 12. 0987 and the lower limit was equal to 11. 9013. Assumption Based on the upper (12. 0987) and lower (11. 9013) control limits calculated for a mean equal to 12, sample 3 falls outside the control limit with a mean of 11. 8890. Because the mean exceeds the lower limit, it indicates that corrective action needs to be taken. Assumptions Increasing the level of significance to a larger value will lead to rejecting the null hypothesis more often. If the level of significance is increased to . 05, both samples 3 and 4 will provide evidence to reject the null hypothesis instead of just sample 3. This means that the client is more willing to make a Type I error, mistakenly rejecting Ho when it is true. This means that they run the risk of having to stop their manufacturing process to take corrective action more often.
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