Sunday, August 23, 2020
A Man For All Seasons :: essays research papers
A "Man for All Seasons" is about a man so unobtrusive and righteous that an entertainer who takes on the job must have the option to extend a practically superhuman nearness. As is clear, the story depends on the life of Sir Thomas More, godly man and chancellor to the court of Henry VIII. It is 1530 and from what I know, on-screen characters in this film regularly wear straightforward half-covers and get serious about jobs. More was the main individual from Henry VIII's administration who might not be enticed or adulterated by Henry's dangers. At the point when the lord requested that More sign a pledge building up the government as leader of the Church of England, More won't. He was unable to modify the law, he said. As the play advances and More loses his riches and even his opportunity, he turns out to be nearly pretentious in his severe adherence to the law. Angering, yet he should stay thoughtful as his family goes down with him into misery and destitution. The man who plays him must show both his loving demeanor and his immovable devotion or the content would be only an activity in mouthing lines. What I saw from the story was the manner by which the wheels turn in More's psyche, the gleam of warmth and the depressingness of hopelessness that flash over his face. It isn't sufficient to paint him as a man. He should take care of business among grovelers and syncophants, a transcending nearness. A man for all seasons, at the end of the day. As a rule, I am constrained to state that one likely would not have the option to effectively safeguard their respectability in a circumstance, for example, Thomas More's. Be that as it may, in light of the question of whether a man can sensibly plan to do as such, I accept that More's social reaction represents a positive affirmation of such. Regardless of whether it couldn't be sensibly expected for a man to keep up his respectability when reliably confronted with such a difficulty, it would most likely be affirmed that such was justifiable. To some degree in a roundabout way, this case helps me to remember Aristotelian and Platonic conversations of ideals and the idea of man. A few thinkers would most likely demand that man
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Personal Statement French Studies free essay sample
Dear Sir, Dear Madam, I am writing in application for a spot in your alumni program, specifically the Ph. D. in French Studies with a fixation in Language and Identity, to begin in the fall of 2006. I am as of now finishing my Master 1 at the Sorbonne University (Paris Ill), having additionally procured my B. A. (Permit) in that organization. My Bachelors and my present Masters at the Sorbonne principally comprise of the investigation of French writing and dramaturgical writings from the sixteenth up until the current day. I have had the chance to concentrate top to bottom great creators uch as Moliere, Racine or Corneille. I have been particularly set apart by the last creator in his catastrophe Le Cid. My training has likewise incorporated crafted by Rousseau, Beaumarchais, Montesquieu, Hugo, Zola Chateaubriand, Apollinaire, Aragon and other eighteenth to twentieth Century scholars. A considerable lot of the thoughts progressed by these eighteenth Century essayists proceeded to assume a huge job in forming France and Europe by means of their impact on the progressives of 1789. We will compose a custom paper test on Individual Statement French Studies or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Hugo and Zola likewise affected their age by uncovering cultural shamefulness in their works, most quite n Germinaland Les Miserables. All through my secondary school and college training I have examined unknown dialects, for example, French and English. I have consistently had a specific enthusiasm for France (where I have lived for quite a long while) and French culture and language. I was admitted to the Perm State University so as to learn French. So as to widen my insight I excitedly accepted up the open door to move to France, where I have burned through the greater part of the most recent five years of my life, working and learning simultaneously. At the point when I showed up in France, I filled in as a live in housekeeper (close by my examinations), just as for a visit administrator. I have likewise instructed French to the two young people and grown-ups while in Russia, and Russian and French while in France. These encounters have significantly supported me in building up my instructing and correspondence abilities. I additionally have a long-standing enthusiasm for history, craftsmanship and legislative issues, both inside Europe, the US, the previous Soviet Union and the more extensive world. I have seen these interests as amazingly supportive when examining writing, ocieties and societies during my training, as they empower one to comprehend the fundamental significance of writings which are now and again covered up, or to place such messages in their more extensive setting. During my training I have firmly considered the advancement of the treatment of ladies in both France and Russia. It appears to be normal for me to progress as a theory proposition near examination into the impact of French and American twentieth Century writing on the state of ladies in France and the US, and to decide the effect this had on different gatherings of society. This point would permit me to analyze issues going from individual and gathering personalities to governmental issues and reasoning. I will likewise have the option to bring into such research my own experience, as I have additionally concentrated broadly Russian creators like Chekhov who additionally center around these issues in plays like Three Sisters or Uncle Vanya. I take an incredible enthusiasm for look into work, may it be for my courses at college or during my entry level position in New Orleans, and think that its both testing and very fulfilling. I have consistently needed o move on from such a conspicuous organization as Tulane University, which has gained notoriety for greatness. All the more explicitly, concentrate in New Orleans, with Ph. D. in French Studies from Tulane University would comprise both a profoundly useful encounter for me and an extra advance towards turning into a specialist in French scholarly culture and thought, perhaps working in the scholastic field or inside the more extensive scholarly network. am propelled and very persevering, and would savor the chance to learn at your foundation. I am thankful for your thought.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tips for Formal Writing
Tips for Formal Writing Composing expect numerous classifications. Formal composing is one class. It involves: scholarly composition, formal letters and business composing. It is administered by specific principles and guidelines that ought to be clung to. The following are tips for formal composition. Utilize succinct language The language utilized in formal composing impacts on the understanding degrees of perusers. The language ought to be direct with the goal that data is deciphered as it ought to be. Succinct language guarantees that peruser can rapidly understand the objective of composing. Abstract gadgets, for example, misrepresentation, symbolism and representations ought not be utilized in formal composition. Have a reasonable objective Formal composing doesn't offer space for deviations or coordination of different points just like the case in casual composition. It targets passing on an unmistakable objective right from the beginning as far as possible. At the point when clearness is seen recorded as a hard copy, the objective is very much conveyed. In scholarly composition, a proposal articulation affirms the particular objective that an examination paper intends to satisfy. Use words that are natural to you Utilizing superfluous complex words or jargon doesn't increase the value of any class of formal composition. Truth be told, more mischief than anything is finished causing formal composition to seem terrible. You should adhere to words whose importance is to the brimming with information. Curtness must be maintained Express data in the least complex manner conceivable. The utilization of short and basic sentences is the way to quickness. Journalists ought to maintain a strategic distance from the impulse to utilize such a large number of words. It makes formal composing show up less formal. For instance, the solution for malignant growth is the utilization of nutrient enhancements to help in its counteraction and treatment isn't reasonable sentence. This sentence is exceptionally long and somewhat vague. Rather, it ought to be communicated as: nutrient enhancements are the solution for malignant growth anticipation and treatment. Utilize a third individual perspective This makes formal composing target and builds a writer’s certainty. Utilizing first individual perspective I am of the opinion†¦ makes composing both casual and unconvincing. There are exemptions in formal composing which require a first individual perspective. On the off chance that you are composing a proper letter looking for business, you should utilize the first individual mode in quite a while. This likewise applies when composing a scholastic paper that requires your own info. Utilize the non-contracted type of words The key point in this tip is to avoid utilizing withdrawals. Constrictions speak to an abbreviated adaptation of words. The contracted words supplant explicit letters with punctuations. Words that are ordinarily contracted include: won't won’t, can't can’t. Despite the fact that the contracted words once in a while change the significance of the first words, they make composing less formal. An author should pay special mind to constrictions in an article and dispose of them. Utilizing instruments, for example, the discover and supplant alternative accessible in Microsoft Word composing programming is a compelling method of totally killing constrictions in formal composition. Utilize right accentuation and spelling Formal composing is significantly directed by accentuation and spelling. To be sure that conventional composing is consummately punctuated, editing and altering must be finished. At last, gathering data about proper composing standards prompts a quality creative cycle. The tips talked about in this article will bolster journalists in their mission to get capable in formal composition. Aside from these tips, scholars should discover what different tips upgrade ability in formal composition.
Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge
Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge Vindicate, Avenge and Revenge By Maeve Maddox The action words retaliate for and retribution mean essentially something very similar, yet vindicate is broadly seen as having nobler implications than vengeance. The two words, similar to the English word vindicate, get from the Latin action word vindicare/vendicare: â€Å"to guarantee, to liberate, to punish.†In early utilization, each of the three words, vindicate, retaliate for, and vengeance implied, â€Å"to punish†or â€Å"to precise retribution.†In present day use, the most well-known importance of vindicate is â€Å"to clear from rebuff, analysis, doubt, or doubt†or â€Å"to justify.†People and things might be vindicated: Mubarak’s Wife Says Husband Has Been Vindicated Bayliss demands the choice made before his arrangement to hold England’s driving Test run-scorer as skipper has been vindicated. A year after his stun renunciation, Pope Emeritus Benedict has no second thoughts and accepts history will vindicate his turbulent and much-scrutinized papacy. Vindicate and vengeance, be that as it may, hold the thoughts of discipline and reprisal. Note: The word vengeance works as both thing and action word. Retaliate for is constantly an action word. Its thing structure is retribution. Despite the fact that there is no definitive standard to recognize vindicate and retribution from vengeance, an observation exists that there is a distinction. For instance, The Chicago Manual of Style offers this note: Vindicate suggests an exaction for a wrong. The comparing thing is retribution. Vengeance indicates the punishment of mischief on another severely or hatred. Vengeance is substantially more ordinarily a thing. In like manner, Paul Brians (Common Errors in English Usage), advances the qualification: At the point when you attempt to get retribution for individuals who’ve been wronged, you need to retaliate for them. You can likewise vindicate an off-base itself: â€Å"He retaliated for the homicide by getting revenge on the killer.†Substituting â€Å"revenge†for â€Å"avenge†in such settings is normal, however disapproved of by certain individuals. They feel that on the off chance that you look for vengeance in the quest for equity you need to retaliate for wrongs, not retribution them. Two models from writing show the distinction. In The Princess Bride, Inigo Montoya looks for retribution for the homicide of his dad, while in Moby Dick, Captain Ahab looks for vengeance for a physical issue incurred by a creature. Montoya has equity on his side, however Ahab acts from injured pride, unreasonably crediting malicious goals to a nonhuman animal. Taking into account how dastardly digital culture has become, the differentiation among vindicate and retaliate for is most likely a valuable one to watch. Here, for instance, are the titles of only a couple of the distressingly huge number of how-to articles on the subject of rebuffing individuals for saw attacks: The most effective method to Get Revenge on Anyone The Ten Commandments of Revenge 50 Random Ways To Get Revenge Step by step instructions to deliver retribution on your Boss 10 Outrageous Ways to Get Revenge On An Ex Step by step instructions to Get Subtle Revenge on Your Enemies Step by step instructions to deliver retribution on Your Parents Step by step instructions to Get the Sweetest Revenge Ever Note: Until as of late, the expression â€Å"take revenge†was more typical than â€Å"get revenge.†â€Å"Take revenge†is still more typical than â€Å"get revenge†in the Ngram database of printed books, yet a Google search shows â€Å"get revenge†in front of â€Å"take revenge†on the Web. Maybe we should save retaliation and vindicate for reprisal persuaded by an off-base that any sensible individual would see as shocking and use vengeance to mean the craving to hurt somebody for no preferable intention over annoyance or hurt pride. Need to improve your English shortly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Vocabulary class, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives Broadcast versus Broadcasted as Past FormThe Pied in The Pied Piper
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Staying on Track with College Admissions
Dont worry parents you are in the home stretch.It may be hard to believe, but college admissions deadlines are already approaching. In some cases, the original round of early applications may even be closed, but there is still time to get in for secondary early applications (or simply early admissions for some schools) from universities and colleges still accepting early applications. And if your child is on the fence, some universities have deadlines as late as summer.However, that doesnt mean your child shouldnt be hustling right now, especially if they are interested in highly competitive schools or popular degree programs that fill up quickly.There are many college admissions deadlines that occur on December 1 and January 1.For example, the deadline for Harvard Early Action candidates is November 1st, but Regular Decision candidates have until January 1, 2019, to get their application materials in.And, it is important to mention, that I have only mentioned issues with college ap plications, and not everything required for admission into your school of choice/acceptance.If tracking all of these upcoming dates seems a bit challenging, or downright mind-boggling,here is a roadmap to help you keep it all straight.SATs and ACTsMost college-bound seniors should already have their SAT or ACT scores available as they are oftena key factor incollege admissions. But, if your child delayed taking on of the most critical tests related to their college career, they actually still have time to make it work.SAT test datesare still available for this December, January and March. You can see registration deadlines below from College Board:Depending on the college, your senior may want to register for the December test date now (late registration is online is open until November 20th, so jump to it!).While I mentioned a March test (there is also a May and June option, but those wont help seniors looking to start college in the fall), those results may be received too late to be accepted by some schools. For example, Harvard expects scores no later than January. To meet that deadline, the December test date is the best bet.Similarly, the late registration date for the December ACTis November 26th. If your child misses that deadline, the next testing opportunity is in February (say goodbye to Harvard for 2019). Anything beyond that may not be completed in time for consideration by some college admissions departments for the fall 2018 semester.College ApplicationsIt is also time to actually apply to schools, so gather up the application fees, have your senior prepare college admissions essays, and lets get started.Now, SAT and ACT deadlines are set by their individual organizations, so the required registration dates are the same for people living in New York to California. College application deadlines are different; each school can set their own standards and requirements regarding when applications will be accepted.That means your child needs to examin e the schedules for every school they are considering. While I have mostly made an example of Harvard during this piece, their deadlines arent necessarily the gold standard. To help you (and your senior) get a better idea of the range of dates that may apply, here are some dates from colleges that were selected at random:Arizona State University May 1, 2019Cal Tech January 3, 2019University of Minnesota January 1, 2019Florida State University February 7, 2019Johns Hopkins January 2, 2019Midwestern State University August 1, 2019As you can see, there is a lot of variance between schools. On a good note, that means there are plenty of options even if your child isnt accepted by their original top choices that have earlier application deadlines than some of the other colleges and universities they may be open to considering.To simplify the application process, it is often safe to assume that the above deadlines reflect when ALL materials are required, such as applicable test scores, hi gh school transcripts, essays (if needed), and recommendations (if necessary).ScholarshipsScholarships also have varying deadlines. Academic scholarships offered by individual universities, or larger systems, will their own application requirements and due dates to be considered. Additionally, opportunities available through different organizations, such as trade groups, unions, and non-profits, can also set the requirements how they see fit.Generally, your childs best bet is to apply as soon as possible (yes, deadlines are already passing for the next school year!)Research which opportunities may work for you, review any application requirements, and make a plan to submit once they have all of the materials together.Since some scholarships receive only a few applicants, the odds of being chosen can be much better than those offered by large organizations and educational institutions.If you want some more help on scholarships, join us for our free webinar for parents:6-Steps to Secu re College Scholarships (Graduate Debt-Free).You can grab a spot at DeadlinesThe FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the core document that determines your eligibility for, well, federal student aid. This includes access to need-based awards like Pell Grants and general awards, like the right to obtain federal student loans.While the federal deadlines focus on June 30th of the applicable school year, those arent the only deadlines you have to contend with. To complicate the time limits involved, they can also differ based on your state of residency.And, one more fun (and critical) fact, some awards are first come/first serve. That means, even if your senior qualified for certain grants, it is possible the government will run out of funds before they have a chance to use any.So, the moral of the storycomplete your FAFSA as soon as possible.To complete your FAFSA, your child will need certain pieces of information. Firs t, theyll need personal information that identifies them as a person. Most notably, this involves their legal name, address, and Social Security Number. They may also need information pertaining to their parents depending on their legal status.Income tax information,including parents information, is another requirement. Fortunately, with the recent changes, you now use the tax return from 2 years prior (so for 2019-2020 school year, you will use 2017 tax returns.) This greatly reduces the pressure on parents.Click here for our5 Quick Tips to Maximize Financial Aid with FAFSA.Luckily, your FAFSA does not have to be completed with your college applications though, again, the sooner, the better! But for now,focus on the test scores and applications. Make sure to check the individual deadlines set by your childs preferred schools, and they can be well on their way in a matter of days.Good luck to the Class of 2019! Youre new college life awaits!
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Challenges of Governance and Democracy in East Timor - 2750 Words
Challenges of Governance and Democracy in East Timor (Essay Sample) Content: CHALLENGES OF GOVERNANCE AND DEMOCRACY IN EAST TIMOR (CORRUPTION)Authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:Instructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name:Course:Date due:CHALLENGES OF GOVERNANCE AND DEMOCRACY IN EAST TIMOR (CORRUPTION)Democracy is seen as among the ultimate ideals which modern civilization strives to preserve or create. As a system of governance, it is worth noting that democracy is supposed to permit extensive inclusiveness and representation of many people as well as their views so as to feed into the functioning of a society that is just and fair. The principles of democracy run in line with the universal freedom ideals like the freedom of expression. The most important thing about democracy is that it serves to check power that is unaccountable as well as manipulation by few individuals at the expense many people. This is because democracy is fundamentally viewed as a form of governance for the people and by the people. Usually, this is implemented via representatives who are electe d, whereby a free, fair and transparent election is required for the achievement of legitimacy.In the context of East Timor, governance include a new nation being build, the structure and the role entailing governance basic pillars configuration. Initiatives that are successful in the promotion of development and democratization rely on the devotion of enough resources and capacity to strengthen lower government levels, particularly the institutions of local government as well as on excellent communication entailing the mutual respect and recognition between different government spheres.The government of East Timor has faced renewed criticism from the public after it granted a contract to a company owned by China to have Timorese schools supplied with furniture. For a country with gas and oil wealth, a contract worth over one million dollars is relatively small. However, the contract has a larger significance. The same Chinese company was granted by Gusmao Xanana a three hundred mil lion dollar contract in 2008 to power plants and the electricity grid for the nation. This was actually the largest contract in Timorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s history. There was a wide criticism on the Nuclear Industry construction company of China because it failed to fulfill contract terms, resulting to the reassignment of a big portion of the job to another company, hence delaying the projects for many years with increased cost by millions of dollars. There was serious flaw on the projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s concept, community relation, implementation as well as work quality. There was also repeated failure by the company to meet its commitment in regard to quality of materials, worker safety, environmental management, hiring of workers from Timor as well as keeping schedule. WikiLeaks later released a December 2008 cable informing Washington that the decision of having the contract awarded to the Chinese company again was approved by East Timorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s prime minister without having consulted th e line minister fully.["1. ARPA: East Timor, Oil, and the Challenge of Nation-building." Australian Review of Public Affairs. Accessed AugustÂ16,Â2015. /digest/2006/04/ghazavi.html.2. Casas Pardo, JoseÃÅ' , and Pedro Schwartz. Public Choice and the Challenges of Democracy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007.] The choice of the prime minister follows the long history of Beijing help helping East Timor generously, such as donating three buildings constructed by the Chinese in Dili capital city. These buildings include a defense headquarters, building for ministry of affairs and a palace for the president. Another contract was recently awarded to the same company, hence reviving questions about the relationship of the company and the government. For instance one would ask; why should the government opt for an international construction firm to acquire chairs and tables for the school? Again, why would the government not consider patronizing local suppliers instead of impor ting the furniture-therefore generating job opportunity and having the money kept within the country?Absence of transparency.Those who have observed East Timor for a long time concludes that a limited process of tendering for contracts offered by the government usually leads to mismanagement, corruption and inefficiency. There are more problems resulting from this lack of transparency, and in case the government is out to ensure that corruption is combated, then there is need of it increasing accountability and transparency. Corruption culture pervades the fragile democracy of East Timor, from transparency absence at top government levels to an anticipation among some media personalities of payment so as to be covered in the news. Revenue from gas and oil raised spending, increasing the annual budget from six hundred million dollars five years ago to one point six billion dollars currently. Leaders in government splurge the available resources on power trappings. According to Alkat iri, who was the prime minister from two thousand and two to two thousand and six, and later became an opposition leader, leaders who engage in corruption practices know each other. For instance they know if someone was rich a few years ago and became rich suddenly. This was due to corruption; No miracle happened for to become rich suddenly. Some of the commonly cited instances of abuse of resources include but not limited to generous travel, housing as well as other allowances given to Ministers as well lifetime remunerations given for members of parliaments who are newly elected prior to finishing their first term in office.Accusations of Collusion, nepotism and corruption are common place. Currently, the finance minister, Emilia is currently under probation by the Anti-corruption Commission of East Timor for allegation of steering a contract of the government to the company of her husband. On the other hand, the former minister of justice, Lobato Lucia is a prisoner after having been convicted for offering her husband a contract of the government. Anti-corruption initiatives in East Timor are listed by the United State embassy and Non-Governmental organizations as a top priority. Presently, East Timor ranks one hundred and thirteenth out of one hundred and seventy for countries in the annual index of corruption perception of the Transparency International. In many ways, self-governance challenge is proving to be harder compared to the long fight for freedom and independence, especially for a new nation that is trying to build its institutions and traditions from nowhere. Most of the Timor citizens are fond of considering Gusmao as a hero of resistance hero who was prisoner in Indonesia. However, others regard him as a person whose style of leadership was a flop. Other persons regarded as resistance hero of East Timor include Ramos Jose, a Nobel laureate and former head of the nation who works and lives in Guinea Bissau as a United Nations special envoy.[Fed eration Of American Scientists -. Accessed AugustÂ16,Â2015. /sgp/crs/row/RL33994.pdf.3. Islam, Nasir. Governance, Democracy Human Rights = Gouvernance, DeÃÅ' mocratie Droits De La Personne. Ottawa, Ont: University of Ottawa, 1996. 4. Lundahl, Mats, and Fredrik SjÃÆ'holm. "The Oil Resources of Timor-Leste: Curse or Blessing?" Pacific Review, 2008. doi:10.1080/09512740701868898. 5. Mainwaring, Scott, and Timothy Scully. Democratic Governance in Latin America. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2010.] To accomplish the openness that straightforwardness and responsibility gives, there is an imperative requirement for a free squeeze, autonomous from government. Such a media frequently speaks to the standard of the all-inclusive right to free discourse. This blend should permit individuals to settle on educated decisions and choices in this way adding to political verbal confrontation, productively. Transparency and responsibility likewise requires more administrat ion as choices and procedures should be recorded and made accessible for the overall population to get to, civil argument and talk about, if essential. This appears to be anything but difficult to overlook thus it is regular to hear concerns raised about the wastefulness of some administrative division. Proficiency, then again, ought not to so much be measured as far as how rapidly a particular activity is finished or even the amount it costs. However these can be vital as well.Curse of resource?East Timor turned into Asia's freshest nation in Two thousand and two and stays among its poorest. A petroleum store set up as a sort of trust is currently worth near fourteen billion dollars, however numerous stress that what financial aspects call the asset condemnation will see the nation lose its recently discovered riches to waste, inability, and defilement, as have different nations, for example, Zimbabwe and Angola.Petroleum from the Timor Sea gives ninety five percent of the nation's state incomes and eighty percent of Gross Domestic Product. The International Monetary Fund calls East Timor a standout amongst the most oil ward economies on the planet. The nation's oil riches is not coming to the base a large portion of the populace that lives beneath the neediness line of one dollar a day, however all the more essentially, it is not going to gainful social venture. By falling flat now to reserve instruction, medicinal services and framework, the nation is not situating the economy well for the day when the oil runs out. Case in point, spending on instruction is lower than on liberal veterans' advantages for the resistance warriors and their families who removed Indonesian occupiers in nineteen ninety nine. Gatherings like Hamutuk say that at last, it is dependent upon the administration of East Timor to foil debasement.It is necessary to expand open inputs into the running and heading of public services and gove...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Operation Management Assignment Make or Buy Decision
Executive Summary This paper explores one of the fundamental processes in most businesses, the make-or-buy decision. This research scrutinizes the theory related to the make-or-by decision, its importance in businesses strategy, criterions to be considered in the process as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Further investigation conducted revealed the reality of make-or-buy decision and it was found that decision makers rarely apply strategic decision making rules based on sound reasons resulting in unpremeditated and irrational conclusions. An international clothing retail business, ZARA, is chosen to demonstrate the application of such decision process in its production. The business outline is briefly described and the†¦show more content†¦Research by (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990, Porter, 1991, Venkatesan, 1992, and Sturgeon, 2002 as cited in Jaydeep, 2005) focused on strategic and organizational issues, such as core competence and organizational flexibility, which address directly the significance of make-or-buy decisions. In addition, Jaydeep (2005) cited Hoyt and Lee (2001) as discussing the evolution of outsourcing, and the resulting strategic implications, from the perspective of a particular industry. Fundamentally, the make-or-buy decision requires ongoing collection of decision-related information and the establishment of a process that serves as a guideline for the business to make such decision. Maddalena (2007) reported that at its most basic level, decision-making involves gathering information and evaluating the merits and potential implications of each available option before arriving at a decision. In routine management activities decision-making takes place quickly and, with experience, becomes second nature and intuitive (Maddalena, 2007). Complex problems, however, often require more time and resources, consultation with others, consideration of various kinds of information, and a more thorough evaluation of options and desired outcomes and also some decisions can have significant long term implications for the organization, various stakeholdersShow MoreRelatedBmgt 364 Assignment 2 Mini-Management Plan Essay1075 Words  | 5 PagesBMGT 364 Assignment 2 Mini-Managem ent Plan Click Link Below To Buy: Purpose: In the second assignment, students will complete a mini-management plan that demonstrates how an organization operates on a day-to-day basis as well as over the long run. 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Explain any four element of a contract1726 Words  | 7 PagesApplications in Management Research ASSIGNMENT PROGRAM: SEMESTER-I Subject Name : Quantitative Applications in Management Research Permanent Enrollment Number (PEN) : Roll Number (SEN) : Student Name : INSTRUCTIONS a) Students are required to submit all three assignment sets. ASSIGNMENT Assignment A Assignment B Assignment C b) c) d) e) DETAILS Five Subjective Questions Three Subjective Questions + Case Study 40 Objective Questions MARKS 10 10 10 Total weightage given to these assignments is 30%.
Essay on Premarital Checkup and Screening - 2229 Words
Many young people aspire to get a companion in the near future, settle down and raise a healthy family. This happens successfully when couples are themselves healthy. However, this desire is sometimes ruined when couples who have already settled realize that one of them had a hereditary disease that was diagnosed earlier before the couple got married. The couples therefore end up having sick children. To counter or minimize the chances of raising sick children, some countries have gone ahead to pass legislation and make it compulsory for couples to undergo premarital checkup and screening before they settle down so as to get relevant counseling on their health and determine whether they can continue with their relationship. In these modern†¦show more content†¦This is because, the cultural norms, educational and religious factors do not totally agree or concur with these programs hence their execution and outcome faces resistance from such factors. This, therefore, has led to the lobbying for support from government agencies, religious sections as well as counseling to make these programs a success. Apart from Saudi Arabia, there are several other countries that have established premarital screening programs and as such include GCC, Italy, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal among others (Demetriades, 2003). Study Objectives The general objective of the study is to investigate the attitudes of Al Baha University students towards premarital medical checkup. In addition, the study aims at arriving at some conclusions that will enable in making appropriate recommendations towards premarital care and checkup in Saudi Arabia. The results from the interviewed students will be generalized to cover the whole student fraternity of Al Baha University. This will assist policy makers within Saudi Arabia and academicians to understand the attitudes and opinions of the students towards premedical checkup so as to formulate policies in the future that are acceptable to the masses. Literature Review Various researchers have carried out studies in the area of premarital checkup area in a view to expand the knowledge scope and also get to understand the perceptions of individuals towards this area.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Internship Report - 1979 Words
Internship Report by Nigel Ng Ding Xun (BIT) I am Nigel Ng Ding Xun from Business Information Technology. During the ending of my second year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I had to go through what may be the toughest thing I faced during my time studying in Ngee Ann. Internship. I was placed in the company Lau Chin Huat Co. Lau Chin Huat Co. is a firm of certified public accountants. In the company, there are a total of three different departments. The IT department, the Accounts department, and the Audit department. The head of the IT department is my supervisor, Mr Anthony Lum. He is the one that handles any of the IT problems faced in the company. Staffs in the company often treat him as the ‘boss’, as Mr Lau is not in the†¦show more content†¦Until that day where one of my colleagues asked me whether I would like to join them for lunch. That really made my day. Till now, I could still clearly remember that situation and how elated I felt at that time. That made me realized how important it is to have friends in life. Though the working environment may be small, but everyone in the company is very bonded. We share everything with each other, and we treat each other as our own siblings. Although it sounds as though we will play around in the company, but when it comes to work, we put our heart and soul into producing efficient and quality work. During my first few weeks at Lau Chin Huat, I faced many problems/difficulties. To start it off, I admit that I was not happy at all being posted here. The travelling distance from my house to Lau Chin Huat was a long journey, I had the lowest pay amongst all my friends, and worst of all, I had to work on Saturdays. Being a comparative person, after I was told by my friends that my posting was the worst amongst all of them, I was really unhappy. I was really negative and it was not a good start for me on the first day I started working at Lau Chin Huat. I was easily affected during work, and little things that annoyed me just made me hated having my internship here even more. That was when I wanted to opt for a change of internship placement. It’s a long story, but basically, that step IShow MoreRelatedInternship Report2948 Words  | 12 PagesGOVERNMENT UGANDA WANKULUKUKU ROAD BY KEMIHINGIRO BONITA REG NO: S1324/1003 Internship report submitted to The faculty of business and administration in partial fulfillment for the Award of a bachelor’s degree in project planning and entrepreneurship April 2015 Agency supervisor NAME†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. SIGNATURE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. DECLARATION I kemihingiro Bonita declare that this internship report is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution for any awardRead MoreReport: Employment and Internship1268 Words  | 6 Pageswas just around the corner. My internship reaffirmed my decision to become an accountant. I found that nobody expects you to know everything and that mistakes can be tolerated if learned from. The experience has given me confidence in myself that was severely lacking beforehand. I have realized that I want to continue working in the area of auditing. Experience And Academic Benefits. Experience is always an advantage when seeking employment. An internship provides a relatively nurturingRead MoreInternship Report Format1188 Words  | 5 PagesInternship Report Format 1. Title Page One original title page, prepared in the same format as the Sample Internship title is given at the end. Page submitted with the original signatures of Program coordinator. The date on the title page will depend on the semester you will receive your degree. 2. Acknowledgements If you wish, you may include a page with a brief note of dedication or acknowledgment of help received from particular persons. 3. Table of Contents The contents page should clearlyRead More64577569 An Internship Report on Chartered Accountant Firm14353 Words  | 58 Pagesï » ¿An Internship Report On Chartered Accountant Firm TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER # 1     Introduction ï †Â Â Â Â Â Some what about Chartered Accountant Firm ï †Â Â Â Â Â Organizational Structure ï †Â Â Â Â Â Geographical list of  CA firms in Pakistan ï †Â Â Â Â Â CA firms abroad Chapter # 2                 Institute of Chartered Accountants ofPakistan ( ICAP) ï †Â Â Â Â Â Introduction ï †Â Â Â Â Â Types of Chartered Accountants ï †Â Â Â Â Â Role of  ICAP Chapter # 3                 Services Rendered by a CA Firm ï †Â Â Â Â Â Auditing ï †Â Â Â Â Â TaxationRead MoreInternship Report On The Internship1702 Words  | 7 Pages FINAL INTERNSHIP REPORT September 4 2015 BUSN 615 Internship Course Period: July through September 2015 Drexel ID: 13820722 Varun Pillai FINAL REPORT FOR SUMMER INTERNSHIP WITH AUDIENCE PARTNERS Varun Pillai (267) 471-2511 E-mail: Facility: Audience Partners 414 Commerce Drive, Suite 100 Fort Washington, PA 19034 Supervisor: Alex Gochtovtt Chief Analytics Officer Phone: +1-484-928-1010 Fax: +1-484-556-4161 Read MoreInternship Report : An Internship1700 Words  | 7 PagesAn Internship Report as Intern Programmer Analyst Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree Of MASTERS in COMPUTER SCIENCE By Rahul Sharma NALAM ( 700630254) Under the guidance of â€Å"Dr. Xiaodong Yue†Department of Mathematics Computer Science, University of central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri- 64093 PREFACE This document specifies the work that I did during the Internship course at RAMPS International Inc., New Jersy under the guidance of Dr. XiaodongRead MoreInternship Report1292 Words  | 6 PagesEconomics and Finance | MiBA Master of International Business Administration INTERNSHIP REPORT AT PALYTRA TRAVEL AGENGY Table of Contents 1. Explanation about how the internship was applied. 3 2. Description of the firm and the department. 3 3. Description of job and tasks during the internship. 4 4. Connection between study and practice. 5 5. Working Routine. 5 6. Supervision. 6 7. Expectations. 6 8. ResultsRead MoreInternship Report2548 Words  | 11 PagesUNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS AND STATISTICS | INTERNSHIP REPORT | AT KENYA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS DIRECTORATE OF POPULATION AND SOCIAL STATISTICS –SECTION OF EDUCATION STATISTICS | | BY WESLEY RUTTOH | | 2011 DECLARATION This is to declare that this internship report is my original work and has not been presented in any institution for any evaluation. This internship report is presented to the K.N.B.S for approval by theRead MoreInternship Report6674 Words  | 27 PagesProgramme Bsc (Computer Science). Title Industrial Attachment Report. Period of Attachment June 2010 – Aug 2010. Placement Company Kenya Industrial Estates Ltd., Nairobi. Co-operating Officer Mr. Njuguna J.G. Report submitted to Mr. Waithaka, Academic Supervisor. Date submitted: September 24, 2010 | | Foreword Internship is engaging students in service activities primarily for providing them with hands-on experienceRead MoreInternship Report1565 Words  | 7 PagesInternships profile Chengdu Bank, founded in December 30, 1996, the former Chengdu 44 urban credit cooperatives founded Chengdu Urban Cooperative Bank, Department of Sichuan Province, the first city commercial banks. October 28, 2008, approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Bank of Chengdu in the Chengdu City Commercial Bank officially changed its name to mark the beginning of the line development by local banks to regional banks, national bank. At the same time, Bank of
Case Study on Asthma Samples for
Questions: 1.Describe the probable reasons for Geronimos acute exacerbation of Asthma. 2.Based on the history provided by Geronimo and his mother, determine which classification of asthma Geronimos Asthma fits. 3.Explain the results of his spirometry test. An arterial blood gas (ABG) testing is recommend by a junior doctor for Geronimo, do you agree with this suggestion? 4.Describe the different forms of Asthma medication and when each should be used. Answers: 1.The boy in the case study has been unfortunate to experience exacerbation of asthma. By this statement it means that the airways of the patient had swollen up in such a way where his bronchioles have become narrow. This had mainly taken place due to contraction of the muscles present there (Hockenberry Wilson, 2014). The case study has reported that the patients mother has stated that he had developed upper respiratory tract infections. Often different types of infection due to micro-organisms may be one of the reasons. Cold, flu and other infections may also be considered to be the main causal factors which imply that bacterial and virus may have invaded the patient causing the development of asthma. These micro-organisms have triggered the development of asthma. This in turn is believed to be one of the main reasons of the narrowing of the airways that had resulted in development of sensitivity (Kenyon et al., 2014). There is a particular type of asthma that may also occur due to heavy excises often referred by many as exercise induced asthma. This might have also affected him as he had participated in the game resulting him to conduct aerobic workout. This might have resulted in occurrences of symptom like tightness and coughing. Moreover the case has also reported that there had been thunderstorms that had taken place. Such changes in weather may also act as a causal factor as dust mites are often considered by researchers to be another trigger that causes the occurrences of asthma. 2.Four of different types of asthma that affect individuals are severe persistent asthma, moderate persistent asthma, intermittent asthma and mild persistent asthma (Kuethe et al., 2013). The case reports that vital signs analysis said had a heart rate of 26 beats per minute and moreover his FEV was also found to have been raised to a higher degree. The FEV had increased to be 1.64 L and thus accounts for about 55% of the normal value that is predicted. Soon after the healthcare professional had conducted proper interventions, it was found that the patient had responded well to the treatment and his heart rate was decreased to 21 beats per minute. Following the intervention, her FEV increased and became 2.2 L that accounted 74% of the predicted value. The patient was suffering from moderate persistent asthma. This is because researchers have clearly stated that a patient who has a FEV value within 60% to 80% can be categorised in the group of moderate persistent asthma. The patient had a FEV which is about 74% of the normal and thus can be designated as a patient for moderate persistent asthma. Moreover it is also seen that he has to take medicines for protecting him from the symptoms every day which is also necessary for patients suffering from this type of asthma (Zone Guide, 2017). Moreover this type of asthma interferes with the regular activities of individuals which also happened in case of the patient when he tried to play soccer. 3.Spirometry is a special kind of test that is mainly con ducted by healthcare professionals in order to be assured that whether any kind of lung disorders are present or not. They mainly help to understand the breathing patterns of an individual by assessing the volume as well as the flow of the air which the patient inhales and exhales (Proctor et al., 2015). Forced expiratory volume in one second is designated as FEV1. It mainly helps to determine the total volume of air that an individual can blow out in one second after a full inspiration period (Sweet et al., 2014). Another component of the test is the forced vital capacity. Spirometry test was conducted and initially it was found to be 55% but after when the test was conducted again for evaluation, it showed the presence of /fev1 which were 74%. This showed that the patients condition was gradually recovering from the emergency condition. Arterial blood gas test helps doctors to understand whether any acidity is present it the blood or not. It will also help to understand how well the lungs of the patient are functioning and thereby removing blood as well as carbon dioxide form blood (Konstanataki et al., 2014). It can be conducted in asthma and COPD patients to find out whether they would require any extra amount of oxygen so that the patient can breathe efficiently. It also helps to find out of the right amount of blood is entering the lungs or not. 4.The medications that are used for the asthma patients are always prescribed taking certain factors in consideration. These are symptoms, age, side effects and others. Medications that are utilised for allergy induced asthma can include medications like allergy shots (immuniotherapy), omalizumab (Xolair) and others. They mainly work by reducing the bodys sensitivity to different allergen. Health care professionals may provide medications like inhaled corticosteroids, long acting Beta agonists which are called LABAS, leukotriene modifiers, theophylline and others (Kelly et al., 2015). These medications mainly control the different symptoms of asthma and also prevent any kinds of attacks of asthma. Another category of medications that is used to quickly provide relief and mainly act as rescue medications include intravenous as well as oral corticosteroids. Besides, short acting beta agonists are also used that includes albuterol and also ipratropium. They are mainly used for asthma pr evention and provide short term relief. Steroids and other anti-inflammatory drug mainly act by reducing swelling as well as mucus production in the respiratory tract. Bronchodilators act by relieving the symptoms of asthma. They work by relaxing the muscles that actually get tightened around the airways and thereby helps it in opening up. Asthma inhalers are another effective ways of delivering drug in such a way that it reaches the drugs. With persons having issues in using asthma inhalers use asthma nebulisers. It must be remembered that they should be used for short course. Using them for long course will result in complications (Kelly et al., 2015). References: Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D. (2014).Wong's nursing care of infants and children. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kelly, R. P., Stoll, S. C., Bryant-Stephens, T., Janevic, M. R., Lara, M., Ohadike, Y. U., ... Malveaux, F. J. (2015). The influence of setting on care coordination for childhood asthma.Health promotion practice,16(6), 867-877. Kenyon, C. C., Melvin, P. R., Chiang, V. W., Elliott, M. N., Schuster, M. A., Berry, J. G. (2014). Rehospitalization for childhood asthma: timing, variation, and opportunities for intervention.The Journal of pediatrics,164(2), 300-305. Konstantaki, E., Priftis, K. N., Antonogeorgos, G., Papoutsakis, C., Drakouli, M., Matziou, V. (2014). The association of sedentary lifestyle with childhood asthma. The role of nurse as educator.Allergologia et immunopathologia,42(6), 609-615. Kuethe, M. C., Vaessen-Verberne, A. A., Elbers, R. G., Van Aalderen, W. M. (2013). Nurse versus physician-led care for the management of asthma.Cochrane Database Syst Rev,2. Procter, S., Brooks, F., Wilson, P., Crouchman, C., Kendall, S. (2015). A case study of asthma care in school age children using nurse-coordinated multidisciplinary collaborative practices.Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare,8, 181. Sweet, L. L., Polivka, B. J., Chaudry, R. V., Bouton, P. (2014). The Impact of an Urban Home?Based Intervention Program on Asthma Outcomes in Children.Public Health Nursing,31(3), 243-252. Zone, C. P. D., Guide, S. (2017). Asthma in children.Sign,3531(937).
Development and Spread of Christianity and Buddhism free essay sample
As they follow different doctrines, it is expected that the development of Christianity and Buddhism were fairly (but not entirely) separate, but their spread was nearly identical by traders and missionaries. The foundations of Christianity are simple, but it would soon become a popular world religion. The religion follows the life of a teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, and the revelations he made. He shared his truths at the Sermon on the Mount. In time, disciples of Jesus came to think of him as a savior of the Jewish people. Christians would model the Buddhist monks and build monasteries at centers of learning. It initially appealed to slaves and women, the lower classes, until the bishop St. Augustine wrote The City of God and appealed with intelligence to the upper class. Buddhism, like Christianity, arose from humble origins. In 534 B.C., a kshatriya prince named Siddhartha Gautama left the comforts of his home to find an explanation of suffering. We will write a custom essay sample on Development and Spread of Christianity and Buddhism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like Jesus, he proclaimed the fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine at Deer Park. Gautama became known as the â€Å"Enlightened One†, or Buddha. Later, he would be thought divine like Jesus Christ. Buddhist monks built monasteries wherever they came to teach their faith. And like Christians, Buddhists were consisted of members from the lower castes. Spread of these world religions was similar in their carriers and limits. Christianity spread when the Roman emperor Constantine endorsed the Edict of Milan, allowing Christians to practice their faith openly in the Roman Empire. Later, the emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire. Quite differently, Buddhism was limited until the fall of Han China, when a replacement was needed for Confucian philosophy. Both religions were effectively spread by merchants in their trade. In Christianity, missionaries resembling Paul of Tarsus and Gregory the Wonderworker were themselves popular and effectively spread th e religioin. In India, Ashoka sent his subordinates to Sri Lanka and other countries to encourage Buddhism in neighboring lands.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Leadership Code by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman
The book Leadership Code by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman is in keeping with expectations of people who wish to develop their leadership skills. I had known through the book’s reviews that the authors have achieved an almost unachievable task by having examined an exhaustive amount of information on the issue of leadership. They have provided a remarkable presentation in the book’s seven chapters by having synthesized their findings into five core principles in calling them the Leadership Code.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Leadership Code by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I chose the book because the authors meticulously guide readers on how to make strategies, how to execute them with the involvement of people, how to create a strong foundation of creative people and how to develop with strong leadership qualities. The book is full of business expressions and is ideal for all people that wish to become powerful leaders. Dave Ulrich is amongst the most renowned authors on the contemporary business environment. The authors have directly given the message that leaders do matter but leadership is more important. They believe that the most experienced and gifted leader engages every person in his team by using his heart, mind and feet. Real leaders are those that involve people for a cause and people follow them for such qualities. Leadership is existent when organizations produce more than just a few leaders because it is not limited to a single individual but to the leadership building process. The authors have not raised questions about the important role of individual leaders but have asserted that a very significant obligation of a leader is to reinforce and introduce sustainability in the processes whereby high impact leaders are identified, hired, developed and retained at all stages and in all fields of th e organization. The book deals with the issue of how an organization can transform itself from being just good to great. In fact, the Leadership Code has responded to two very important issues. First is the proportion of leadership that is the same and whether there are common standards that must be mastered by leaders in all situations. The authors have delved into issues of whether there is a specific and recognized leadership code. The second issue examined in the book is whether there are common standards that should be mastered by all leaders. In examining such issues the authors have analyzed whether leaders are born or the can be groomed. They offer an integrated process whereby leaders can become better leaders. In outlining the five essential rules of excellent leadership, the authors have devoted a separate chapter for each one. Rule one is about shaping the future and asserts that this quality is present in the strategic aspect of the leader.Advertising Looking for r eport on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The authors hold that the strategist envisions a bright future and helps in creating it. In being futurists with a practical approach, strong leaders are able to ascertain organizational needs and test such concepts practically and logically in the context of available resources such as people, capital and organizational competence. They believe in working with their team in figuring out how to transition from the present to the required potential. The second rule relates to how things can be made to happen. This element of execution stresses upon the issue of how the organization can ascertain the direction that it wants to take. Leaders that execute efficiently are able to transform plans into action and they thoroughly understand how change happens, how accountability is to be assigned, what major decisions are to be taken and which ones to pass on. Effective leaders are able to ensure that their team works in synergy to achieve organizational goals. The third rule pertains to efficiently engaging the available talent. Leaders that make the best use of the available talent are able to take talented people with them in the business process after retaining the right people. They develop strong organizational, professional and personal devotion towards the organization. Rule four deals with how the next generation can be constructively built. Strong leaders develop human capital by assisting and guiding future leaders to develop high competencies and to become successful. The fifth rule asserts that one should invest in oneself because personal efficiency forms the core of the leadership code. The competency of strong leaders cannot be limited only to what they know and implement. An important trait of strong leaders pertains to what kind of humans they are and how much they can achieve through their team members. Leaders are characterized as being learners from their experiences with life, people, failures and success. The authors have approached readers on two distinct though interrelated issues in the context of the requirement of effective leadership and how others can be helped in becoming strong leaders. In citing the example of Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, who spends considerable time counseling his executives, the authors have written, â€Å"modeling the rules of leadership ensures that you lead well, but helping others master those rules guarantees success†(Ulrich et al, 2009, p.64). The styles used by the authors pertain to establishing and then sustaining a cordial and direct rapport with readers. The book deals in detail about the leadership issues in virtually acting as a mentor for readers. The authors hold that â€Å"the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. As you communicate, you need to consider your audience, tailoring your message differently for the boardroom and the lunchroom, and learn to succeed in both.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Leadership Code by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More You need to share your emotions and self, not just your intellectual ideas†(Ulrich et al, 2009, p.85). They hold that in building the next generation leaders have to transform into developers of human capital and that personal proficiency is the eventual canon of strong leadership, which begins with knowing oneself. Obviously, it can be understood that these revelations are not theoretical but are practical steps to imbibe strong leadership qualities. The book is so meaningful in exhaustively dealing with leadership that the reader is forced to think that it is specifically written for him or her. The book provides considerable information in 180 pages and examines all the five essential elements exhaustively that are thoroughly explained in using practical ex amples. In the final chapter the authors have explained how strong leaders succeed in adding value to the organization. They introduce a clear theory of leadership that can be adopted by organizations in identifying future leaders in terms of their competence levels. They have suggested the areas in which organizations can make investments to develop leadership at different organizational levels. The authors also provide a framework whereby such principles can be properly aligned in the organization. They have pointed out that â€Å"this leadership code, like any other code, provides both structure and guidance, and helps you know not only what to do to be a better individual leader, but also how to build better leadership capability†(Ulrich et al, 2009, p.94) They have conducted several interviews and a thorough literature review in concluding that almost 70 percent of leadership efficiency can be incorporated in the leadership codes. The synthesis and analysis made by the authors result in creating a structure that they assert is useful, practical and accurate. Although there are many critics that will speak up against the manner in which the authors have depicted a lack of sophistication in conducting their research, the work clearly passes the most significant test pertaining to the value perceptions of leaders that are in the forefront in organizations. The biggest learning from the book is by way of providing a strong basis to make self assessments, while the feedback exercises are very helpful in assisting readers to know the extent to which they fulfill the Leadership Code. In being very well written, appealing and realistic, the book allows readers to develop skills to crack the Leadership Code, thereby taking their leadership to higher levels.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It provides an open environment for all those who are worried in being stopped from sharing their insights and opinions on leadership. The Leadership Code is not for people who wish to quickly get ideas about how they can improve. It is all about thoroughly undergoing a systematic exercise by applying the given ideas to one’s leadership development. It is also helpful in developing organizations through creating an efficient team of future leaders that will carry the organization towards the path of growth. The Leadership Code is for people who wish to learn and study in challenging themselves. Works Cited Ulrich, Dave., Smallwood, Norm., and Sweetman Kate. Leadership Code, Harvard Business School Press, 2009. This report on Leadership Code by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman was written and submitted by user Harper K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Death And Dying Essay Topics Are Challenging But Interesting To Write
Death And Dying Essay Topics Are Challenging But Interesting To WriteThe death and dying essay topics are challenging but fascinating to write. If you are dealing with the death of a loved one then these essay topics will require you to reflect on life, death, death and dying.The writer needs to do his or her research. This is a very important aspect of writing a death and dying essay topic. This will help the essay is very memorable and meaningful to your audience.Some people may try to write their essay topic themselves, but this can be very difficult for some people. They might come up with a bad idea that will cause them to fail. If you feel like you need help, get it from a professional. You can also read through samples on websites like usblog.With death comes the question of life after death. It might not be the easiest subject to write about, but if you choose the right writing style, the topic will speak volumes to the life you left behind.Death and dying essay topics are qu ite easy to write if you approach it in a way that does not overwhelm the writer. Your goal should be to convince the reader to know more about what you have written. It is an important part of the essay, so you want to make sure that you do your research before actually writing the piece.The first thing that all writers downfall is that they want to give their work the best they can and they want to come up with a perfect final product. This means that they either forget about their audience or they forget that this is a final project. Remember that you are trying to write for a readership who has no clue about death.The best writer in the world will fail if he or she writes something for a publication that nobody will ever read. So how do you turn your work into something that people will read? You need to take a different approach to writing for the audience you are targeting. Consider how you can communicate with them and you will come up with an excellent essay topic.Death and dying essay topics are very difficult to write. However, you can succeed if you choose the right topic.
Monday, March 16, 2020
In the gutter and other good essays
In the gutter and other good essays In the gutter and other good places The award winning film documentary In the gutter and other good places by Christine Richey is a multi-spectral view of three Calgary dumpster diving bottle pickers. The film traverses the ordinarily drawn stereotype of the homeless pickers of Calgary, and provides another compassionate standpoint on the choices and circumstances that have embodied their current predicament. Richey selects three very different street people for her story all with their unique backgrounds. Challenging assumptions about street people and their image to society, we are introduced first of all to Ron who has a masters degree in engineering sciences and was an senior employee for Gulf Oil earning $33,000 until alcoholism caused him to resign, we are then introduced to Colin a highly educated 22 year old man with a Russian accent. Collin himself has made the choice to be a bottle picker because of a combination of his mothers death and his views towards society. Upon his mothers passing Colin received $90,000 in inheritance and was to pursue an interest in electrical engineering, however Colin refuses to touch a dime out of his account stating harrowely that this is the way lives and is the way he wants to live What do I want? I would like to get myself out of the financial sector... maybe all the way into the financial gutter and Garbage its the number one industry in Nor th America and Im in the number one business. Finally we have jean who returned home one night as a married man to find that his wife had abandoned him and taken his two young children this led Jean to alcohol and nearly twenty years later on the street as an older bottle picker with kidney and liver problems. In summation, Richey sought to educate the Canadian populous of the backgrounds of the bottle pickers to show that they are not static shells that they have substance and a ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
1984 Essays (1037 words) - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Ingsoc, Newspeak
1984 1. Biography George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair, a British writer with political conscience. He was born in India but educated in England at Eton College. He served the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1927. In sick health, he returned to Europe to live in poverty as a struggling writer. Orwell joined the Republican forces in the Spanish civil war, and wrote a chilling account of this experience. He went on to write many books, mostly autobiographical, and achieved successes as a brilliant writer. 2. Synopsis The novel takes place in a theoretical and fictional dystopian totalitarian society. The story begins in London on April 4, 1984 after an atomic world war divides the world into three states. London is the capital of Oceania which is run by INGSOC(English Socialism). The controllers are called "The Party." The Party is divided into two sections, The Inner Party, and The Outer Party which are the "Rich" and the "middle-class." There is a third group of people called "The Proles," or "The Proletariat" which are the poor, and considered to be animals by the party. The main leader of this government is Big Brother. The novel is told in third person and partly first person, and is also divided into three parts. In the first part the main character and his conflicts with the world he lives in are revealed. Winston Smith is a bureaucrat who works for the government by altering history at the Ministry of Truth. He begins to ponder the reason things are so bad and commits a terrible crime. In the second part, he falls in love with Julia, and is taken in by a man named O'Brien, a member of the anti-party society called the Brotherhood. O'Brien turns out to be a true member of The Inner Party. Winston and Julia are captured and hauled off to the Ministry of Love (Minilove in Newspeak). Here, during the final part of the story, Winston is incarcerated and rehabilitated by The Party. O'Brien constantly tells Winston that Winston is crazy, and that he is trying to help him. During these sessions he reveals the true purposes of INGSOC. The party's goals can be summed up in their mottoes. "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH(Orwell, 7)." 3. Theme Under the rule of INGSOC, members of The Party are engrossed in their work. It is essential that the government keeps its people happy in order to avoid rebellions and "thought crimes." Winston's greatest downfall springs from his only pleasure, his work. He found it easy to become lost in the intricacies of his duties guided only by the principles of INGSOC and his best estimate of what the Party wanted him to say. A typical task might include correcting an article in the Times, written entirely in Newspeak. In one instance he reviews an article which read: times 3.12.83 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling(Dr. Tom Costa., 1). In Oldspeak (or standard English) this might be rendered: The reporting of Big Brother's Order for the Day in the Times of December 3rd 1983 is extremely unsatisfactory and makes references to nonexistent persons. Rewrite it in full and submit your draft to higher authority before filing(Dr. Tom Costa., 1). The ability of Winston to do this job can be accredited to the control of his government. Through the use of various techniques such as propaganda and the "Thought Police," Big Brother is able to not only brainwash his people, but also to reprogram them to love and serve him. 4. Structural Feature How does Orwell use distortion and irony to reveal the true motive of the IGNSOC government? By distorting the motive of a government into three elusively ironic statements, "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH(Orwell, 7)." Orwell is able to convey the reality of IGNSOC's goals. "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH" is the basic idea that ignorant people are content people. The Outer Party is kept ignorant because the truth is adjustable, and the Proles are kept content with ineffectual liberties such as love, sex, and families. "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY" breathes insecurity into the individualist. It implies that as an individual you will sink, as a
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Legal and ethical issues in Siemens Global Case Study
Legal and ethical issues in Siemens Global - Case Study Example The company should have faced stringent operating procedures and forced to pay heavy penalties that would have discouraged prospective perpetrators. A small amount of slightly over $ 2 billion was a slap in the face of economic crime regulators since the company’s annual sale at the time was at a figure of over 70 billion Euros. This only encouraged the company to bribe more parties. Any company that fundamentally violates the acceptable code of business conduct ought to face stiffer penalties than just mere monetary fines that the company could have deemed as ‘budget fines’ (Twomey et al., 2011). If you were the new Chief Ethics Officer, how would you have handled the situation? Although I would have handled the situation in a more or less similar manner to the then Chief Ethics Officer, I would however, taken a slightly different approach as far as the management of rogue employees is concerned. My first approach would have been to arrange for seminars where different personalities would train and encourage the employees on the benefits of upholding acceptable ethical standards. Instead of just dismissing incompetent employees, I would have engaged them in educational seminars before demoting them to lower positions so that they could rework their way up the corporate ladder through ethical and just means. This approach would have instilled confidence in them and all other employees to work as a team towards the attainment of Siemens short-term and long-term goals (Fernando, 2010). Was the corruption justified since bribery was legal in Germany until 1999? Despite the fact that bribery was legal in Germany, there was no justification for the corruption witnessed in Siemens whatsoever. The fact that Siemens is a German company did not negate the need to operate in accordance to the internationally accepted business ethics since Siemens is an international company with subsidiaries spread across the globe. Although, the senior executives in Siemens’ case tried to justify their acts as a strategy to gain competitive advantage in the market, this still violated the internationally accepted business conducts. This is because most of Siemens’ corrupt deals were international and any company that operates on a global platform ought not to use local policies but internationally recognized ones in business operations. With all these evidences of breach of international law, it is wise to conclude that Siemens was not justified to embrace bribery and corruption as ‘company policy.’ (Twomey et al., 2011). How does an organization make the shift to refine their ethical practices when there is such a radical change in policy? More often than not, organizations that take the bold step to ethical recovery undergo agonizing experiences though the results obtained are much pleasant. Various ways by which organizations can make the shift to refine their ethical practices exist and there is no single most approach to this course. Some organizations opt for the restructuring of the management system in an attempt to reverse the undesirable trends witnessed over a period. While this can be an appropriate approach for a dynamic and self-motivated team, the organization can seek to transform the culture of employees directly by either imposing new company policies or engaging the employees in dialogue. Ordinarily, most organizations choose the latter as it has the effect of improving employees’ trust and confidence in the company. Overall, whichever approach an organization decides to take should incorporate participation by all stakeholders (Fernando, 2010). By researching online, what have been more recent developments with Siemens Global
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Impact of Culture on the performance of the virtual groups Essay
Impact of Culture on the performance of the virtual groups - Essay Example It is implied, that the culture of virtual groups is defined by the level of their education, as the tests will be made among students through the period of two semesters. It is necessary to consider the impact of culture through each of the four decision-outcomes criteria separately, making common conclusion. For the aims of the work it will be necessary to describe the AST in details, making special references to its potential connection with the issue of cultural impact, it will be necessary to define the context in which the notion of culture will be considered as well as distinguish the exact methodology and analysis methods. The work will be useful for the students studying in the sphere of computer sciences. The present research represents high relevance as the issues of culture in various aspects of human life acquire new meaning when applying them to the new technologies.
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Madness of Ophelia Essay -- Essays on Shakespeares Hamlet
  In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince Hamlet may act like he is "mad north-northwest", but it is his lover, Ophelia, who is truly mad. Both lose their fathers at the hands of others and both have loved ones that seem to have turned against them. Unlike Hamlet, who has revenge, Ophelia ends up having nothing to hold onto. Her sanity breaks and sends her into a downward spiral, while Hamlet's remains intact. In this paper, I will show that it is the manipulation by and loss of the two men Ophelia loved most-Hamlet and her father, Polonius-which leads to her madness.            There have been many theories offered-especially by psychoanalysists-concerning the cause of Ophelia's madness. Freudian theorists like Theodor Lidz attribute it to Ophelia's incestuous feelings for her father and her desire for Hamlet to take her away from, or even kill him. When this actually does occur, Lidz says Ophelia's incestuous feelings drive her mad. Victorian theorists claimed that Ophelia was a hysteric. They defined hysteria is a mental breakdown during adolescence, when a girl suffered from sexual instability. This mental illness was applied to anyone who showed what psychiatrists thought were "Ophelia-like" behaviors, "the same young years, the same faded beauty, the same fantastic dress and interrupted song" (Shakespeare, 230). Modern day theorists have attributed Ophelia's madness to schizophrenia, which puts the madness into a biochemical framework. Schizophrenia has been argued to be "an intel ligible response to the experience of invalidation with the family network, especially to the conflicting emotional messages and mystifying double binds experienced by daughters" (Shakespeare, 236).            These theories are lackin... to hold onto. What made everything fall apart, and what completely ruined her, was her love for them.  Works Cited Partridge, Eric. Shakespeare's Bawdy. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1969. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. By Susanne L. Wofford. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994. Wilson, J. Dover. What happens in Hamlet. Cambridge: University Press, 1960. Works Consulted Ronk, Martha. "Representations of Ophelia." Criticism 1: 21-43. JSTOR. Web. 22 May 2015. "Hamlet." William Shakespeare: The Tragedies. Paul A. Jorgensen. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1985. 47-57. Twayne's English Authors Series 415. Twayne's Authors on GVRL. Web. 22 May 2015. Goddard, Harold. "Hamlet to Ophelia." JSTOR. National Council of Teachers of English, 23 Oct. 2007. Web. 23 May 2015. .
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
What Makes a Good City?
What makes a good city ?There are far to many to enumerate but here are a few: A secure water supply and sanitation system. A solid economy. A transportation network on every level. A strong tax base. Good to great schools. Better then Good police protection. Affordable housing, A built in arts and culture environment, Affordable medical, social services, sanitation and fire protection. A community spirit, a Love Thy Neighbor attitude.The ideal cityBuild housing, construct infrastructure like roads and plumbing, provide public services like electricity and garbage collection, coordinate commerce, provide recreational facilities such as parks, stadiums and museums, and facilitate transport.What makes a perfect city ?A good transport system, low traffic, lots of money, beaches and rivers, big CBD. High Helth and good education system plus near to oter big cities.Ideal CityCORRECTION OF THE ESSAY : â€Å"Imagine the Ideal City†The city of my dreams is neither too big nor too sma ll. (Jenna) It is clean, there aren’t any cigarette butts, chewing gums, papers or dog dirt on the floor.( Angà ©lique /Marjorie) It is Green, ecological (Stà ©phanie): there are less traffic and pollution because people use alternative means of transport (Gamzà ©/ Maria) and the cars run with solar energy. The houses are equipped with solar panels too to protect the Earth (Fanny/Stephanie) People recycle their wastes (Gamze ) The environment is respected (Jenna) &the scenery is pleasant because the huge sky scrappers & tower blocks have been replaced by detached houses. (Marjorie/Sabrina)The city is built with recycled materials to fight global warming (Fanny) In this ideal town People are happy & safe, they can have walks in the streets & gardens even at night. The pavements are large enough for parents with buggies and accessible for disabled people (Vanessa). Car Parks are free (Maria). You can borrow free bikes or take a stylish cheap taxi. (Anthony) Drivers respec t pedestrians and don’t insult other drivers. Everybody is civilised & smiles (Angà ©lique/ Sabrina) You can go shopping in low cost stores (Angà ©lique). There are many activities & services for everyone: for children and elderly people . Drama groups and artists perform in the street and a music festival regularly takes place for everyone’s Greatest pleasure. (Fanny)Criminals & delinquents are supervised by cameras. In case of a problem the police or the firemen are there immediately (Vanessa) No Poverty in this ideal town.There aren’t any homeless & beggars. Charities accommodate them in decent buildings. Students no longer sleep in cars or squats. (Marjorie /Mrs Lombrana) The rents are not excessively high, everybody can afford buying a home.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Homosexuality New Zealand And The Christian Church Essay
Homosexuality in New Zealand and the Christian Church Every dilemma we encounter can test our ethics. Ethics are said to be a set of values or group of moral principles that are right and good as well as a code or principles of behaviour or conduct governing an individual or group. It is important for us as humans to comprehend the fact that ethical answers are not black and white as it doesn’t always shows the right answer to moral issues, for example, homosexuality. The homosexuality debate has been ongoing for the past 30 years in New Zealand, and although legalising sexual intercourse between members of the same sex in 1986, discrimination still occurs in today’s 21st century. Oxford Dictionary defines homosexuality as â€Å"a condition of personal identity in which a person is sexually orientated towards persons of the same sex.†The Christian Bible has never stated the word â€Å"homosexuality†nor defined such an act, but based on modern ideology, the deed of a man having any intimate relations with an other man have been taken to consideration as homosexuality. Within the teachings of the Christian tradition, homosexuality has two very distinct viewpoints held in the Old Testament and the New Testament, which are further enforced through those given by Pope Francis I and the New Zealand State Government who provide insight based on the fact the New Zealand is not a Christian nation; however, it is the most practised religion in the country. 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