Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Operation Management Assignment Make or Buy Decision
Executive Summary This paper explores one of the fundamental processes in most businesses, the make-or-buy decision. This research scrutinizes the theory related to the make-or-by decision, its importance in businesses strategy, criterions to be considered in the process as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Further investigation conducted revealed the reality of make-or-buy decision and it was found that decision makers rarely apply strategic decision making rules based on sound reasons resulting in unpremeditated and irrational conclusions. An international clothing retail business, ZARA, is chosen to demonstrate the application of such decision process in its production. The business outline is briefly described and the†¦show more content†¦Research by (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990, Porter, 1991, Venkatesan, 1992, and Sturgeon, 2002 as cited in Jaydeep, 2005) focused on strategic and organizational issues, such as core competence and organizational flexibility, which address directly the significance of make-or-buy decisions. In addition, Jaydeep (2005) cited Hoyt and Lee (2001) as discussing the evolution of outsourcing, and the resulting strategic implications, from the perspective of a particular industry. Fundamentally, the make-or-buy decision requires ongoing collection of decision-related information and the establishment of a process that serves as a guideline for the business to make such decision. Maddalena (2007) reported that at its most basic level, decision-making involves gathering information and evaluating the merits and potential implications of each available option before arriving at a decision. In routine management activities decision-making takes place quickly and, with experience, becomes second nature and intuitive (Maddalena, 2007). Complex problems, however, often require more time and resources, consultation with others, consideration of various kinds of information, and a more thorough evaluation of options and desired outcomes and also some decisions can have significant long term implications for the organization, various stakeholdersShow MoreRelatedBmgt 364 Assignment 2 Mini-Management Plan Essay1075 Words  | 5 PagesBMGT 364 Assignment 2 Mini-Managem ent Plan Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/bmgt-364-assignment-2-mini-management-plan/ Purpose: In the second assignment, students will complete a mini-management plan that demonstrates how an organization operates on a day-to-day basis as well as over the long run. 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Explain any four element of a contract1726 Words  | 7 PagesApplications in Management Research ASSIGNMENT PROGRAM: SEMESTER-I Subject Name : Quantitative Applications in Management Research Permanent Enrollment Number (PEN) : Roll Number (SEN) : Student Name : INSTRUCTIONS a) Students are required to submit all three assignment sets. ASSIGNMENT Assignment A Assignment B Assignment C b) c) d) e) DETAILS Five Subjective Questions Three Subjective Questions + Case Study 40 Objective Questions MARKS 10 10 10 Total weightage given to these assignments is 30%.
Essay on Premarital Checkup and Screening - 2229 Words
Many young people aspire to get a companion in the near future, settle down and raise a healthy family. This happens successfully when couples are themselves healthy. However, this desire is sometimes ruined when couples who have already settled realize that one of them had a hereditary disease that was diagnosed earlier before the couple got married. The couples therefore end up having sick children. To counter or minimize the chances of raising sick children, some countries have gone ahead to pass legislation and make it compulsory for couples to undergo premarital checkup and screening before they settle down so as to get relevant counseling on their health and determine whether they can continue with their relationship. In these modern†¦show more content†¦This is because, the cultural norms, educational and religious factors do not totally agree or concur with these programs hence their execution and outcome faces resistance from such factors. This, therefore, has led to the lobbying for support from government agencies, religious sections as well as counseling to make these programs a success. Apart from Saudi Arabia, there are several other countries that have established premarital screening programs and as such include GCC, Italy, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal among others (Demetriades, 2003). Study Objectives The general objective of the study is to investigate the attitudes of Al Baha University students towards premarital medical checkup. In addition, the study aims at arriving at some conclusions that will enable in making appropriate recommendations towards premarital care and checkup in Saudi Arabia. The results from the interviewed students will be generalized to cover the whole student fraternity of Al Baha University. This will assist policy makers within Saudi Arabia and academicians to understand the attitudes and opinions of the students towards premedical checkup so as to formulate policies in the future that are acceptable to the masses. Literature Review Various researchers have carried out studies in the area of premarital checkup area in a view to expand the knowledge scope and also get to understand the perceptions of individuals towards this area.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Internship Report - 1979 Words
Internship Report by Nigel Ng Ding Xun (BIT) I am Nigel Ng Ding Xun from Business Information Technology. During the ending of my second year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I had to go through what may be the toughest thing I faced during my time studying in Ngee Ann. Internship. I was placed in the company Lau Chin Huat Co. Lau Chin Huat Co. is a firm of certified public accountants. In the company, there are a total of three different departments. The IT department, the Accounts department, and the Audit department. The head of the IT department is my supervisor, Mr Anthony Lum. He is the one that handles any of the IT problems faced in the company. Staffs in the company often treat him as the ‘boss’, as Mr Lau is not in the†¦show more content†¦Until that day where one of my colleagues asked me whether I would like to join them for lunch. That really made my day. Till now, I could still clearly remember that situation and how elated I felt at that time. That made me realized how important it is to have friends in life. Though the working environment may be small, but everyone in the company is very bonded. We share everything with each other, and we treat each other as our own siblings. Although it sounds as though we will play around in the company, but when it comes to work, we put our heart and soul into producing efficient and quality work. During my first few weeks at Lau Chin Huat, I faced many problems/difficulties. To start it off, I admit that I was not happy at all being posted here. The travelling distance from my house to Lau Chin Huat was a long journey, I had the lowest pay amongst all my friends, and worst of all, I had to work on Saturdays. Being a comparative person, after I was told by my friends that my posting was the worst amongst all of them, I was really unhappy. I was really negative and it was not a good start for me on the first day I started working at Lau Chin Huat. I was easily affected during work, and little things that annoyed me just made me hated having my internship here even more. That was when I wanted to opt for a change of internship placement. It’s a long story, but basically, that step IShow MoreRelatedInternship Report2948 Words  | 12 PagesGOVERNMENT UGANDA WANKULUKUKU ROAD BY KEMIHINGIRO BONITA REG NO: S1324/1003 Internship report submitted to The faculty of business and administration in partial fulfillment for the Award of a bachelor’s degree in project planning and entrepreneurship April 2015 Agency supervisor NAME†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. SIGNATURE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. DECLARATION I kemihingiro Bonita declare that this internship report is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution for any awardRead MoreReport: Employment and Internship1268 Words  | 6 Pageswas just around the corner. My internship reaffirmed my decision to become an accountant. I found that nobody expects you to know everything and that mistakes can be tolerated if learned from. The experience has given me confidence in myself that was severely lacking beforehand. I have realized that I want to continue working in the area of auditing. Experience And Academic Benefits. Experience is always an advantage when seeking employment. An internship provides a relatively nurturingRead MoreInternship Report Format1188 Words  | 5 PagesInternship Report Format 1. Title Page One original title page, prepared in the same format as the Sample Internship title is given at the end. Page submitted with the original signatures of Program coordinator. The date on the title page will depend on the semester you will receive your degree. 2. Acknowledgements If you wish, you may include a page with a brief note of dedication or acknowledgment of help received from particular persons. 3. 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Co-operating Officer Mr. Njuguna J.G. Report submitted to Mr. Waithaka, Academic Supervisor. Date submitted: September 24, 2010 | | Foreword Internship is engaging students in service activities primarily for providing them with hands-on experienceRead MoreInternship Report1565 Words  | 7 PagesInternships profile Chengdu Bank, founded in December 30, 1996, the former Chengdu 44 urban credit cooperatives founded Chengdu Urban Cooperative Bank, Department of Sichuan Province, the first city commercial banks. October 28, 2008, approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Bank of Chengdu in the Chengdu City Commercial Bank officially changed its name to mark the beginning of the line development by local banks to regional banks, national bank. At the same time, Bank of
Case Study on Asthma Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp.com
Questions: 1.Describe the probable reasons for Geronimos acute exacerbation of Asthma. 2.Based on the history provided by Geronimo and his mother, determine which classification of asthma Geronimos Asthma fits. 3.Explain the results of his spirometry test. An arterial blood gas (ABG) testing is recommend by a junior doctor for Geronimo, do you agree with this suggestion? 4.Describe the different forms of Asthma medication and when each should be used. Answers: 1.The boy in the case study has been unfortunate to experience exacerbation of asthma. By this statement it means that the airways of the patient had swollen up in such a way where his bronchioles have become narrow. This had mainly taken place due to contraction of the muscles present there (Hockenberry Wilson, 2014). The case study has reported that the patients mother has stated that he had developed upper respiratory tract infections. Often different types of infection due to micro-organisms may be one of the reasons. Cold, flu and other infections may also be considered to be the main causal factors which imply that bacterial and virus may have invaded the patient causing the development of asthma. These micro-organisms have triggered the development of asthma. This in turn is believed to be one of the main reasons of the narrowing of the airways that had resulted in development of sensitivity (Kenyon et al., 2014). There is a particular type of asthma that may also occur due to heavy excises often referred by many as exercise induced asthma. This might have also affected him as he had participated in the game resulting him to conduct aerobic workout. This might have resulted in occurrences of symptom like tightness and coughing. Moreover the case has also reported that there had been thunderstorms that had taken place. Such changes in weather may also act as a causal factor as dust mites are often considered by researchers to be another trigger that causes the occurrences of asthma. 2.Four of different types of asthma that affect individuals are severe persistent asthma, moderate persistent asthma, intermittent asthma and mild persistent asthma (Kuethe et al., 2013). The case reports that vital signs analysis said had a heart rate of 26 beats per minute and moreover his FEV was also found to have been raised to a higher degree. The FEV had increased to be 1.64 L and thus accounts for about 55% of the normal value that is predicted. Soon after the healthcare professional had conducted proper interventions, it was found that the patient had responded well to the treatment and his heart rate was decreased to 21 beats per minute. Following the intervention, her FEV increased and became 2.2 L that accounted 74% of the predicted value. The patient was suffering from moderate persistent asthma. This is because researchers have clearly stated that a patient who has a FEV value within 60% to 80% can be categorised in the group of moderate persistent asthma. The patient had a FEV which is about 74% of the normal and thus can be designated as a patient for moderate persistent asthma. Moreover it is also seen that he has to take medicines for protecting him from the symptoms every day which is also necessary for patients suffering from this type of asthma (Zone Guide, 2017). Moreover this type of asthma interferes with the regular activities of individuals which also happened in case of the patient when he tried to play soccer. 3.Spirometry is a special kind of test that is mainly con ducted by healthcare professionals in order to be assured that whether any kind of lung disorders are present or not. They mainly help to understand the breathing patterns of an individual by assessing the volume as well as the flow of the air which the patient inhales and exhales (Proctor et al., 2015). Forced expiratory volume in one second is designated as FEV1. It mainly helps to determine the total volume of air that an individual can blow out in one second after a full inspiration period (Sweet et al., 2014). Another component of the test is the forced vital capacity. Spirometry test was conducted and initially it was found to be 55% but after when the test was conducted again for evaluation, it showed the presence of /fev1 which were 74%. This showed that the patients condition was gradually recovering from the emergency condition. Arterial blood gas test helps doctors to understand whether any acidity is present it the blood or not. It will also help to understand how well the lungs of the patient are functioning and thereby removing blood as well as carbon dioxide form blood (Konstanataki et al., 2014). It can be conducted in asthma and COPD patients to find out whether they would require any extra amount of oxygen so that the patient can breathe efficiently. It also helps to find out of the right amount of blood is entering the lungs or not. 4.The medications that are used for the asthma patients are always prescribed taking certain factors in consideration. These are symptoms, age, side effects and others. Medications that are utilised for allergy induced asthma can include medications like allergy shots (immuniotherapy), omalizumab (Xolair) and others. They mainly work by reducing the bodys sensitivity to different allergen. Health care professionals may provide medications like inhaled corticosteroids, long acting Beta agonists which are called LABAS, leukotriene modifiers, theophylline and others (Kelly et al., 2015). These medications mainly control the different symptoms of asthma and also prevent any kinds of attacks of asthma. Another category of medications that is used to quickly provide relief and mainly act as rescue medications include intravenous as well as oral corticosteroids. Besides, short acting beta agonists are also used that includes albuterol and also ipratropium. They are mainly used for asthma pr evention and provide short term relief. Steroids and other anti-inflammatory drug mainly act by reducing swelling as well as mucus production in the respiratory tract. Bronchodilators act by relieving the symptoms of asthma. They work by relaxing the muscles that actually get tightened around the airways and thereby helps it in opening up. Asthma inhalers are another effective ways of delivering drug in such a way that it reaches the drugs. With persons having issues in using asthma inhalers use asthma nebulisers. It must be remembered that they should be used for short course. Using them for long course will result in complications (Kelly et al., 2015). References: Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D. (2014).Wong's nursing care of infants and children. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kelly, R. P., Stoll, S. C., Bryant-Stephens, T., Janevic, M. R., Lara, M., Ohadike, Y. U., ... Malveaux, F. J. (2015). The influence of setting on care coordination for childhood asthma.Health promotion practice,16(6), 867-877. Kenyon, C. C., Melvin, P. R., Chiang, V. W., Elliott, M. N., Schuster, M. A., Berry, J. G. (2014). Rehospitalization for childhood asthma: timing, variation, and opportunities for intervention.The Journal of pediatrics,164(2), 300-305. Konstantaki, E., Priftis, K. N., Antonogeorgos, G., Papoutsakis, C., Drakouli, M., Matziou, V. (2014). The association of sedentary lifestyle with childhood asthma. The role of nurse as educator.Allergologia et immunopathologia,42(6), 609-615. Kuethe, M. C., Vaessen-Verberne, A. A., Elbers, R. G., Van Aalderen, W. M. (2013). Nurse versus physician-led care for the management of asthma.Cochrane Database Syst Rev,2. Procter, S., Brooks, F., Wilson, P., Crouchman, C., Kendall, S. (2015). A case study of asthma care in school age children using nurse-coordinated multidisciplinary collaborative practices.Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare,8, 181. Sweet, L. L., Polivka, B. J., Chaudry, R. V., Bouton, P. (2014). The Impact of an Urban Home?Based Intervention Program on Asthma Outcomes in Children.Public Health Nursing,31(3), 243-252. Zone, C. P. D., Guide, S. (2017). Asthma in children.Sign,3531(937).
Development and Spread of Christianity and Buddhism free essay sample
As they follow different doctrines, it is expected that the development of Christianity and Buddhism were fairly (but not entirely) separate, but their spread was nearly identical by traders and missionaries. The foundations of Christianity are simple, but it would soon become a popular world religion. The religion follows the life of a teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, and the revelations he made. He shared his truths at the Sermon on the Mount. In time, disciples of Jesus came to think of him as a savior of the Jewish people. Christians would model the Buddhist monks and build monasteries at centers of learning. It initially appealed to slaves and women, the lower classes, until the bishop St. Augustine wrote The City of God and appealed with intelligence to the upper class. Buddhism, like Christianity, arose from humble origins. In 534 B.C., a kshatriya prince named Siddhartha Gautama left the comforts of his home to find an explanation of suffering. We will write a custom essay sample on Development and Spread of Christianity and Buddhism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like Jesus, he proclaimed the fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine at Deer Park. Gautama became known as the â€Å"Enlightened One†, or Buddha. Later, he would be thought divine like Jesus Christ. Buddhist monks built monasteries wherever they came to teach their faith. And like Christians, Buddhists were consisted of members from the lower castes. Spread of these world religions was similar in their carriers and limits. Christianity spread when the Roman emperor Constantine endorsed the Edict of Milan, allowing Christians to practice their faith openly in the Roman Empire. Later, the emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire. Quite differently, Buddhism was limited until the fall of Han China, when a replacement was needed for Confucian philosophy. Both religions were effectively spread by merchants in their trade. In Christianity, missionaries resembling Paul of Tarsus and Gregory the Wonderworker were themselves popular and effectively spread th e religioin. In India, Ashoka sent his subordinates to Sri Lanka and other countries to encourage Buddhism in neighboring lands.
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